
Showing posts from 2013

Book Ends and Transition

We have a teen and a toddler creating the book ends in our family. I have been so behind in jotting down our family triumphs and tribulations in part because of the exciting journey of raising these two and of course everyone in between. LuLu & James This morning I woke up early to see James off. He is in Jr high now, seventh grade, and leaves an hour before the rest of the kids. He is self sufficient and we rarely get up with him but today I just wanted connection time. I made him waffles and hot cocoa and got to hear a bit about school, his week and winning the basketball championship in Duluth this past weekend. He gave me a big bear hug before he left. Almost the same size as mom and the doc said he has just started growing! He hugged me and said, "Thanks for everything mom, love you" and heads out into the cold morning to walk the couple blocks to his bus stop. In a big family it is rare to have quiet one on one time, it is also rare to have mom wait on you. ...

First Conversations

John to Mark: What do you think the best part of the new house is? Mark: Well, my bed is really comfortable. John: I think it is the same bed you already had. Mark: Oh, good point. I guess that we are all here together. Nate: Ya, the best part is we didn't loose anyone in the move. Mickey: Like loose a kid? Nate: I don't know (giggling) I guess it doesn't matter where we are as long as we have the 10 of us. Daisy: We have the bestest family. James: Best, and we could use an xbox to be the best. Daisy: I SAID best Annie: OK everyone, lets leave it as we are super lucky, for this house, for everything, ok? Mark: I think we should live in a cabin next. Nate: Ok, but all together. A picture Mickey announced they might need future therapy after taking, dressed up at the farm building at the MN State fair. They all went in for Lucy, who consequently loved it! An actually conversation, I guess they are not as impressed by the beautiful woodwork, floors, paint and...

August Crash

That post coffee crash can turn a great morning into a lousy one fast. My solution to this is....have a second cup. August seems to be a very strong black brew and we all miss our tennis routine. We did 7 weeks of Urban Tennis, essentially daily lessons for the kids in one hour shifts by age group. Those not playing tennis would be at the park or doing summer workbooks. I pre packed snacks and we had a wonderful system. August has descended like a wonderful deep brew. The intoxicating possibility of sleeping in and having no structure is upon us. Kids all think this is going to be uber cool until week two and they are at each other. Feet stick out just slightly in the hopes of tripping another, bikes are taken without asking the owner (a sibling of course) and snacks roll listlessly into meal times. To add to the crash we are in the final push of finishing a home build, getting our house ready to sell, starting new schools and potty training L. She actually did number two in the ...

Otis Food, Recipes & Healthy Kids

I have been trying to be more creative with having our kids have less processed snacks, things like gold fish and pretzels that seem to "take over" our snacking. Some friends reminded me we do a lot of creative snacks already and I thought I would share those! I am always looking for more ideas. We also do beef sticks, cheese sticks and veggies with dip but these are some fun ones.  Zucchini Muffins 1 shredded zucchini, I shredded and squeezed out water from the day before. If frozen drain. Then microwave to get soft, about 2 min if raw, 4 if frozen then drain and put aside to mix with: 1 ripe banana 3 eggs whole teaspoon corn starch cinnamon & sugar teaspoon or plain cinnamon, or add savory spices Spray a muffin tin, 12 openings. Bake about 12 min or so until brown edges.   33 Calories per "Muffin"  Simple Otis Cucumbers   4 cucumbers peeled and sliced (even the youngest kids love peeling these!) regular vinegar, 1 cup ...

Plans and the moment we are in

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell Simple Mom blog today spoke to the question of purpose as mothers. Are we doing what we had planned on doing, are we in fact doing enough? What would my younger self wish to add to the life I have now? These questions make me turn to gratitude for the moment I am in. This has been one of the best summers we have had in ages. We are doing daily tennis lessons for the kids, James has had the opportunity to go to camp up north and Annie to do horseback riding. Nate and Mark have been solidifying their creative bond with the production of family plays. Daisy has started sports! She loves tennis and newly discovered soccer like her big sister. John and Mickey have had the best season of Travel baseball because they have a pretty phenomenal coach (Dad)! Sheff is coaching along with a good family friend, and having a blast. They both are so pumped up and excite...

Escape and Imagination

I am phasing out a bit from blogging and attempting to sit down and write in, yes how Great Gatsby of me, a novel each day. Am I succeeding? Well, no not really but the thought is there and bits are forming. I want to figure out how to print the blogs I have done and make a book (shoot me a note if you have done this!) and take time to get a romance novel written before Lucy is out of elementary school. Once when I had a baby and 3 toddlers I remember standing at our kitchen counter back when we lived in Saint Paul and reading a biography on Nora Roberts. She wrote when she had two young boys in order to escape. I still can feel the tug of small chubby hand on my leg, the crusted over lasagna pan in the sink and baby I was juggling on my hip. As much as I adore my job 87% of the time escaping into a book is pure bliss. What housewife does not want to ride off to Saudi Arabia or sail the emerald isle? I have always had a stack of books by by bed, in my purse, dog eared next to the ...

New Rhythms, Promise of Sunshine.

I have been away from my post a bit this spring. In part, how could anyone call this spring! And in part, it has been a more intense few months than we have had in a while. I am feeling the stress lift  bit after trying some new ideas around our abode. Sometimes treats are OK to brake up the winter blues!  We have gone back to the great goal of weekly dates with mom or dad, hot cocoa , a meal or the fav Freestyle Frozen Yogurt:) Sheff and I both love goals, life goals, family goals and fitness goals. We have goals to read books that teach us something new once a month, goals to try a new ethnic dish, goals to read a section of prayer together and discuss and of course goals to be better and more balanced parents each day. The cool thing for both of us is we very often reach these goals with the other person cheering us on. M & M in Florida, such a family bonding vacation for our family The early part of this year we both stunk at setting goals, a few pounds c...

Come Spring!

OK spring we are ready and waiting! As a mom who has about 20 million boots to put away and hats in every direction it is time for some sunshine and fresh air. I have been filling my kindle with books about the south and pacific, we have a coconut candle on the counter and mango smoothies for a snack today after school. We are calling for the sunshine to come out and play! As a fun activity we looked through albums last night and here are some great spring pictures from years past. It is fun to play "Do you know that Otis?" Now that they are getting bigger some of the photos are getting harder to identify (not for mom...yet:) Hope to get out there and snap some for this years album SOON! Melt ice, melt snow lets go out and play!

Parenting Choices

We are trying to make some big choices for our kids and it is not an easy task! It is always hard with the oldest because that is the only real roadmap you have as a parent. I always say if I was propelled back in time I would be the luckiest mama around, all these strong hardworking kids. But in our century, the measurement of personal success being in part activities and clubs, it is very difficult to support achievement. If I could say, "Go build a cabin, find food to eat and make sure those other people don't die on your watch" my oldest son would thrive. Now same child say, "Keep your papers in order, keep your locker clean, dot your I's cross your T's and research this abstract subject" and you'll find him outside shoveling. He really loves to work hands on and he is very smart at the engineering side of any problem. He makes truly amazing origami, is technical and a natural athlete. But he is struggling and it breaks my heart. It really does...

Good Books, Margaritas & Kids in the Sun

Posing with a skeleton, the story is a sailor who waited FORVER for some big shrimp the kids got a kick out of acting bored, because they never are of course:) Getting around cart style & very fun Mexican place where you eat under a canapy of banana trees! Suitcases to unpack, cream to rub on red noses and photos to upload. We are home and sleepy and missing the sunshine. This trip for our gang was especially wonderful. We had so much pure, messy FUN in the sand, in the water and even charades in the hotel room. Back to the basics of enjoying ourselves as a family and bonding with Grandma and Grandpa (Deirdre's parents). Also, visiting Uncle Steve and Aunt Marian further down Captiva Island The kids thought it was pretty cool we could only reach them by boat! We had amazing weather, even on the blustery days we were able to jump waves and collect shells on the beach. The kids loved the Bubble Room a famous restaurant with kitsch galore. They thrived on ...

Flying cups, potty training toddlers & POOLSIDE soon!

This is one of those mornings where juice cups have been flying at siblings heads, coffee spilled on my favorite clean socks (the cushy ones from Costco) and someone managed to pour sand on the kitchen floor. Sand in March in Minnesota. It is like they find ways to be creative with mess. Lucy is potty training which adds another level of minor disaster to the everyday. Spring break is upon us and this year we are excitedly leaving our house to a competent house sitter and hitting the balmy island breezes. I am guessing the house sitter will create less chaos than eight kids, so the house will be in good shape. What an adventure to pack for 10 and embark on a holiday mid winter. James reminds readers this was when he was 11 and thus his pipes are simply not what they are now:) Right now Nate is lining up pieces of paper with everyones names in the living room. Each person is putting their proposed travel items by their paper and then we will discuss the yeses and nos. We pulled ...

Faults and Hugs

We all have our faults. At a women's weekend away a few of us self diagnosed our biggest weakness. Guys would be talking about cars, here we are doing self help with our wine! It seems fitting a blogger and mom of many would have the fault of over sharing. I know I have many faults so no need to send me messages, "Deirdre we really think adding green things to brownies should be high up on the list!" I have taken that one into consideration. I realize there are upsides to being someone who always seems to say too much. One upside is I truly adore people, I am an extrovert and if I see you at the store or park I will genuinely want to chat! I will also likely tell you about my latest recipe failure, what kind of wood we have chosen for the new house and that I hate pairing socks. I love hearing about other peoples lives, struggles and triumphs. I hug all the time, last tournament a hugged a referee. He did say he loved big families but perhaps someone else might have j...

Lent 2013

Lent is a time to re focus, set goals to be just a little bit better and put faith on the front burner. This year we have added a breakfast prayer to our daily routine. For some reason we always pray at dinner but in the rush of morning, honestly in the stress of morning, we forget to give thanks. I love hearing what others are working on to be supportive and get new ideas for next year! Giving up shopping at Target has been a challenge and Nate giving up chocolate is a navigational experiment in the kitchen. James giving up sprinkles seems a bit light, and Annie's goal to study more is par for her course. Whatever the goals it is a great time of year to try something new. In the time of day I often find my self snacking instead of being productive I added a daily devotional. I have to admit week one is off to a rocky start for our personal goals (except Nate of course) but we have prayed each morning 10 strong. Small victories! Lent 2008 with our crown of thorns and baby...

Daisy explains yogurt pants and being small

Daisy sits on the end of our bed and muses to me regularly. Lately I have been taking quick notes when a pint sized nugget of wisdom is shared. Daisy: I have not figured boys out yet, but I sure think deodorant helps them be handsome. Daisy and her little friend Abbey are playing with a wooden castle and have princesses going shopping.  Abbey declares she needs a silk dress. Daisy responds, " Well I hear your words, but that is not realistic. Lets go with something you can play in and washes up lickety split " Abbey looks a bit put out. Not quite the glam imaginary gown she was going for. Daisy: Preschoolers get away with things because they are small.  Me: Because they are small? What kind of things? Daisy: Well, they spill things a lot and ask for treats all the time, they also say they can't put their jackets on themselves. It is such a crock. Me: Daisy Eleanor! Where did you learn that word? Daisy: I can't remember I am small. Daisy: I want to b...

Remembering Connie Otis

Honoring Sheff's Grandmother Connie Otis Constance Shepard OTIS  June 23, 1919 - January 28, 2013   To each of us memories are given  time passes gently from toes dipped lazily in the lake days turned quickly in calendars marking holidays special occasions in which the seeing is more important than the reason chicken recipes, philosophical wonderings small children  loving introductions commonality of knowing family being in a place simply to enjoy a story Written without rhyme and meter but with honoring intention Dedicated to Mrs James C. Otis (Connie) much love Mrs James S. Otis (Deirdre) January 2013 Above image is Sheff with baby Daisy Eleanor in Connie's outdoor pool, the children loved those visits and she loved watching their antics.

Just you wait!!

When we first started having kids, people were very free with the commentary. I am so blissfully grateful that we seem to have more of a shield now, and so much community support. If you are one of those people who has thanked us after church for raising well behaved kids, or one of those teachers who has told the children they have a beautiful family, we thank you. That support kept us going when we had so many little ones. Now, as they kids get a bit bigger, we are able to relax so much more into enjoying our family. My potty training boot camp members circa 2005 Some of the comments we heard all the time were, "Oh just wait! Until they are all potty training, have homework, are preteens, eat you out of house and home" and of course the list goes on. The idea being if we just wait something catastrophic was going to happen! Of course this made young mama me defensive not weary. I thought I will meet these things head on! I will potty train all three (at the time we h...

January is a Butthead

Dressed to play in the Minnesota cold! January has not been our favorite month around here, busy without a lot of down time!  Mark announced coming home from school with very cold hands (wet gloves) "January is a butthead!" Have to say we agree with Mark this year. Mark & Lucy But this week we celebrate Lucy Claire turning 2!! What a wonderful, if a bit sleep deprived, two years these have been. Between the business of Sheff's work and me fighting back pain from the accident in December we have been playing sub par. Things seem to be moving along, I am feeling a bit better and Sheff has been making time to lift & workout again. We have some fun social things coming up, and some basketball games to watch. We have sunshine to look forward to in March (hey its not THAT far away) and it is almost Lent, a season I love to celebrate as a family. Lent is also a time to check in about my own goals, my connection to God and how I can bring faith and fun toget...