New Rhythms, Promise of Sunshine.

I have been away from my post a bit this spring. In part, how could anyone call this spring! And in part, it has been a more intense few months than we have had in a while. I am feeling the stress lift  bit after trying some new ideas around our abode.
Sometimes treats are OK to brake up the winter blues!
 We have gone back to the great goal of weekly dates with mom or dad, hot cocoa ,
a meal or the fav Freestyle Frozen Yogurt:)

Sheff and I both love goals, life goals, family goals and fitness goals. We have goals to read books that teach us something new once a month, goals to try a new ethnic dish, goals to read a section of prayer together and discuss and of course goals to be better and more balanced parents each day. The cool thing for both of us is we very often reach these goals with the other person cheering us on.
M & M in Florida, such a family bonding vacation for our family

The early part of this year we both stunk at setting goals, a few pounds crept on, the books were trade magazines and fashion rags and we felt hopeless with the idea of new parenting ideas having been around the some of the issues so many times already. Like for many people when they are sitting in the potty training day of family education for the....third time. For us when it comes to a toddler wanting a sippy cup at night or another learning to read it can be hard to find new energy and excitement about these milestones. But that sentence makes me sad! Of course we can find new excitement that is the privilege of being parents in a big family and we simply buck up and dive in.

Going out and having Mom & Dad time once a week (ideally) is good for us and good for the kids.

The tides have turned, spring is on the way, or maybe we will roll from winter to summer this year! We have prioritized getting some date nights back on the books, we are reading family devotions together after meals, purchasing new early readers and including big kids in finding excitement to potty train Lucy. The kids are helping me plan meals and fun snacks. We promise to devote a blog soon to Otis recipes.  I am including the kids in some workouts such as a yoga DVD and dance parties in the basement.

Things called Beeny Boos have entered our house, but the kids play for hours with them.
Thanks Easter Bunny, great choice!
John-Luke has really stepped up to help with the baby, it is a gift to watch new alliances
and friendships form within the family. It is constantly changing in a great way!

Sisters! Working out with the girls has been a little comical, Yogis falling on other Yogis , but teaching great life habits  for how to manage stress and find a peaceful moment in our days of rushing around.

Long hard days (and months!) can give way to new breath, new patterns. Giving thanks for the ability to create change and the young budding family we have that is open and excited to be on this journey!


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