
Showing posts from March, 2015

Chicago! Photos From A FUN Spring Break~

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”  Mark Twain Train buds, so fun to have sleeping cars.  Some waiting was long, but overall the train was a very smooth process. Michagan Ave Bridge & truly good Chi town deep dish Stans is worth a visit Lu was pretty excited about the American Girl Doll store! How wonderful to travel with Grandparents! Bulls game! Such a fun game and entertainment with Benny the Mascot's Birthday! A fabulous trip exploring Chicago. We took the train from Minneapolis/St Paul to Chicago and spent most days walking all over the city. What a wonderful city to explore. It is not always easy to travel with kids, especially a big group but we had so much fun. We only took 2 phones, no other electronics, i pads and i pods stayed hom...

Protein Bar Recipe

~ 1 Cup + VitaFiber Syrup* OR Agave OR Honey ~ 6 scoops protein powder (I use Quest) ~ 3/4 to 1 Cup ground almonds, I put them into the blender whole and lightly crush for texture ~ Added chocolate chips, dried fruit, unsweetened coconut to taste 1. Heat the Syrup of choice in a saucepan over medium heat until it starts to bubble 2. Remove from heat and pour into a big bowl (pre spray bowl with non stick spray for easy clean up) 3. Stir in crushed almonds and protein powder 4. Stir in a cup of your choice, I like semi sweet ch. chips, unsweetened coconut and cinnamon 5. Spray a baking pan with non stick and using a plastic spatula press mixture flat 6. Put in the oven at 350 for about 5 minutes 7. Let cool 15 min, cut and store in the fridge. I store in layers with wax paper between. **You can purchase the VitaFiber syrup on, it is my favorite but the Agave works really well too. ** Play around with protein powder flavors and types. Make sure to check fib...

Relationships with Food, and My Own

And wine  that  maketh glad the heart of man,  and  oil to make  his  face to shine, and bread  which  strengtheneth man's heart. Psalm 104:15 A friend  recommended  reading Carry On Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton of Momastery Blog, and it was a wonderful reminder people are hungry for personal journeys, not just the beautiful ones. In 8th grade I started the process of developing my own personal sidekick, an eating disorder. It started with peer counseling other kids who had disorders. I took notes and was fascinated by this way to fit in with the culture around me and control my environment. Growing up in multiple places, schools, with real socioeconomic and cultural diversity a underlying truth was every women deals with food.  Another piece of this puzzle for me is the reality of food sensitivities  If you have been with me when I have reacted and turn bright red or get hi...

Laughter Hidden in the Normal, Underneath the Junk Mail

A joyful heart shall do good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. Proverbs 17:22  Little M: Mom do we need to wear pants today? His siblings all turn to look at him, he meant it. Athletic shorts year round seem to be the "in" thing hence the question. Lu: It would be fun if lady bugs had tables. Mom: Why would it be fun? Lu: Oh MOM you don't know how to throw a bug party!!!! Little M: If something gets cut does the blood stop EVENTUALLY? Mom: What?! Who is cut, what happened? D: MOOOOM the paper cut me that was on Mark's airplane, Mark cut me. Dad (having just walked in the door greeted by Lucy and massive yelling and screaming) Lu: Dad! Mark sent a plane what cutted Daisy's finger and the blood came out! Dad: Huh. I might need to take a work call in my truck for a minute. Big M: I have lots of Math, or reading. Hmm I have lots of papers in a yellow folder. Maybe it was a green folder. I have to do something for a book talk in t...