Birthday cake wishes
Little Deirdre & Mother, Nor circa 1982 |
Having to work together is not always easy. This morning I got to tennis without coffee and one of the eight in tears over hidden shoes, but we recovered. They made up an elements game that someone is fire, water, earth and so on, like a combination of Avatar and rock paper scissors. They made sure to include Lucy who had mamas milk powers. Overhearing the development of the game is a piece of my day, a piece of summer memories. Seeing these kids explore the world as a unit is fascinating.
As an only child each of my birthday cakes I wished for a sibling, really truly I did, sometimes prayers are answered on a time table other than our own. These busy summer days, making up games, watermellon dances, beach time and baby Lucy's toes touching the water for the first time make me feel as each birthday cake of childhood held the promise of my future family.
The birthday is a very special day in everyone’s life. Each year, we wait for this day. On your birthday, you are the mainly VIP person in the whole world. Each one, who knows you or via some social media calls you or texts you wish you best health. And, you also lots of plans for your birthday celebration, amongst which, the party is the list topper. But we celebrate our birthday party, without meaningful why we celebrate it. Birthday is vital as they are the source of joy for the family and each one who celebrates it with big zeal. It’s a reminder of your truth on earth your part as a human being. While each person would have their own reason to celebrate, my best guess would be that in the current age, most people celebrate birthdays as it marks an exact number of years since their survival in the world. One primary reason could also be a specific excuse for merrymaking. It could also be to celebrate the close of one more successful year, one more year of joyful relationships, of accomplishments, of being wiser, of being mature. One may argue that January 1 can also serve the same purpose, but this would be more of a special reason, select to one's own self. Though it can also be take that we technically shouldn't celebrate because it brings closer to our final destination, i.e. death; it is, in my view, a very negative view that saps the positivity of a joyous occasion. The New Year also marks the beginning of a new chance. Chance to change the things that did not go too well in the previous year. A chance for new opportunities, new potential, and new wishes. And people always look for a chance to improve what they can, to better their life and nothing nicer than sharing the joy with their family and friends who stood by them in their tough times, and we hope, will go on to do so!