Staying Peaceful Amidst the Rush

As we enter into the rush before Christmas I am reminded how hard it is to maintain a feeling of peace. This is the time gifts are going to be discovered if not wrapped, everyone will bring Christmas cookies if you don't get the Christmas meal assignments out and those homemade gifts you purchased paint sealer for and about to get smeared.
Avoiding the Mall, making Christmas Cookies!

Today when I ran out to return a birthday gift that my 8 year informed me would be a wii duplicate for his buddy, I was amazed by the frantic feeling in the store. The desperate phone calls about color and type of gloves, the lamenting of lost coupons and confusion over type of Legos on the list. Its like we need a broken record playing along with Bing Crosby reminding people to take a breath and remember the meaning this time of year.

Every faith back round has that need to connect, a need to honor loved ones and a desire to reaffirm a sense of meaning. I noticed one of the boys was seeming particularly forlorn writing and rewriting a Christmas list. I asked him what was up "Mom, I just don't know what to ask for! Everyone else knows EXACTLY what they want!" I gave him a hug and said quietly "Sometimes when we are open to a surprise it is the best Christmas of all". 

The planning and the rush is a necessary part of Christmas, but expectations can be defeating if hearts are not open to meaning. For our family this is the time to celebrate that the best gift was the simple one that came from the heart. When I feel overwhelmed by my husband's long hours, my kids eating us out of house and home or failing to get the perfect birthday gift for a buddy I need to remember God's patience. I need to stop the rush hug all the kids and get out the well worn Christmas story. As we read in front of the twinkling tree that broken record remember the meaning of the season!! is playing loud and clear.


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