Summer Mass

I was thinking as I woke up today what a gift it is to have visited so many churches this summer. For us between going to the cabin, road trips and visiting friends and family it is rare we are in town for 2 weekends in a row. Now with football starting we are going to be staying here for the weekends which is bitter sweet. There is something so wonderful about being welcomed into a new place of prayer. I feel a real gift of Catholicism is the ability to go from one church to the next and have common prayers and music. For our family it is a re set time, a time to hold hands during the Lords prayer, all 10 of us. It is a time to check in with God about our week, where we are and what our hopes are. It is a powerful message that as a family we will find a church no matter where we are. St Joseph's in Osceola to All Saints on Bailey Island Maine.

We often talk about what was different what was the same as our home parishes of Saint Rose of Lima and Maternity of Mary in St Paul. In Osceola Markie loved how Jesus was carved of wood on the cross. In Brainerd the kids enjoyed hearing stories from Africa from the Priest there and in Maine the children all commented how small and cozy the church was. In Maine a parishioner gave us one of our favorite compliments "you are from MN? I guess your children really are above average as Garrison says!" We loved that one.

Tonight in the spirit of summer we are visiting the Cathedral. I look forward to the time of prayer and the reminder that where ever we are we can always find a place to come together as a family and pray.
A rare moment for these brothers of quiet reflection


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