Spring Break Snap Shots

Swimming! Our Hotel overnight was a blast
The weather! It was a glimpse of summer, sweaty happy kids & BBQ in the air
Family time! The kids made forts, played rope tug of war, amazing chalk art
and really enjoyed their time together. OK so J & J tried to beat each other senseless but some habits die hard:)
Lucy's first arcade with a St Patrick's Day Daddy

We had a truly wonderful spring break. We made it through the dentist 8 kids one cavity (not good but statistically impressive), we did a hotel overnight with 9 kids an no tears. Gland slam was a hit, especially the laser tag and Sheff managed to actually work enough to keep in the game during a busy week. Our play date on Friday was 26 kids at the peak and it went very smoothly. Homemade pizzas were a fun activity and everyone ate!! Church on Sunday everyone was a little fidgety to get back into the sunshine but it was a good reminder we are still in Lent, the time of renewal. Not to late to get things into review. Daisy announced "For Lent I am only going to be fancy" Well Amen, bring on the fancy! Hope everyone is off to a great spring start:)


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