Enjoying the Summer Days, Weeds and all.
As July hits each year the weeds strive to take over our walkways & yard. Each year they usually win for weeks at a time. Then we go out as a force and with muddy hands pull them out the best we can, make a bonfire for sticks and fill the compost up with garden debris.
This year after a big lightning storm we were left with multiple huge trees down in the yard. After feeling a bit hopeless to tackle so much we went out with a bag of marshmallows as reward and armed the bigger boys with saws. Three hours later our yard was on the way. We still have a weekend of burning, cutting and stacking ahead of us but that first day of work is always the hardest.
Seeing the kids work so hard, and all that Sheff can accomplish so quickly reminded me to be grateful for all we DO get done and stop worrying about the weeds that always seem to win.
We are going to tackle the yard jobs the best we can, buy some extra s'mores fixings and invite people over to share in the process. Soon enough the snow will fall, making sure to enjoy summer days, weeds and all.
Getting our vegetable garden ready to plant last year |
We are going to tackle the yard jobs the best we can, buy some extra s'mores fixings and invite people over to share in the process. Soon enough the snow will fall, making sure to enjoy summer days, weeds and all.
1 Peter 4:9 Cheerfully share your home !
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