Singing while we work

Getting the big boys to sing while they work is harder now, but they do still work hard:)
Kids pair 100% of socks around here. No they don't always match but it gets done!
Learning how to be productive in the middle of the baby phase is likely the only way we are still standing 8 kids in. I remember having a couple toddlers and an infant for the first time and thinking "Uh Oh! How the heck am I supposed to get anything done" Then I started ...singing. No not in a Deirdre peppy way but in a survival keep little ones entertained while running around getting things done. Songs for clean up, songs for meal time prayer (Johnny Appleseed is awesome!), songs for rumbling tractors to make the vacuum fun, songs to find and fold socks to.

Someone popped by and asked why on earth the house was clean (they only looked at the front room)! And a huge part of it is the old whistle while you work adage. Singing also seems to make us all work faster, weird but true.

The trickiest part with a baby for me is needing to get up and down stairs and not being able to carry her when I do so. If big kids are here, great I can get a lot more done but with the little girls once a day Lucy goes in her crib and Daisy sings songs while I sort laundry and get a rotation set up in baskets.

Daisy pretending to read songs, actually a good little singer!
If Daisy becomes a performer we can trace it back to the crib performances!


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