Summer Workbooks & Swinging in the Trees

I think we all need some summer vacation. I am hesitant to say that because that equals 8 kids 24/7 but I know it is true:) Towards the end of the year friendships need space, minds need downtime and bodies need to move more.

Each year I try to learn from the summer prior. What activities worked well? What was difficult? Did a daily schedule help or hurt our days (help!) Did we keep up on chore charts or need a new structure? What camps were fun and how to budget for different opportunities for the kids.

Using the Library Reading program is an awesome way to get a big family (or anyone on a summer budget!)
 to the State Fair!
Through trial and error we have found a rest time hour (when the baby is sleeping) summer work time is best for keeping up with reading and math over the summer. Most of our kids would rather climb a tree or throw a ball than sit and read (Annie & Nate are the exception) so I need to build in time for "summer school". I hit Lakeshore learning and pick up age appropriate workbooks. Each kid has a file to grab for the one hour slot and I initial the page/pages they finished. Then they need a one hour reading slot in the day (yes it can be TinTin or other comics).

I loved doing Urban Tennis last year because we had a consistent plan for 6 weeks. The downside was kids did not get a chance to do individualized sports camps or lazy days at the beach. This year everyone is doing 2 or 3 weeks of sports camps. We also do our weeklong Bible camp where I pitch in as a volunteer leader for a tuition break (and its lots of fun!) We have cabin dates, camping plans and our annual week away this year up to Ely, Minnesota to Camp du Nord, it will be our 6th time there.

I ran into someone at the baseball park (this happens A LOT:) and we were catching up. I used the phrase enjoying status quo, and its true! Our family is in a good place. Healthy, happy and bursting at the seams for summer fun.

Wishing everyone a wonderful last week of school!


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