Baking Soda & Bee Stings
Today M got stung by a Bee. He made it inside before crying, flanked by Little D being his spokesperson I quickly did the "Bee sting routine" and thought I would pass it along!
~Remove the stinger with tweezers if you can see it, try not to pinch the stinger (that can inject more venom)
~Control swelling, ice the area. One ice cube is perfect.
~Apply a mixture of baking soda and water.
~Keep the area clean it can take about 3 days to heal. You can use Arnica gel for swelling.
~ If the child/person has a reaction (swelling, trouble breathing) call 911
A good list for cleaning with baking soda, many of these are standbys for us! Little ones love putting on swim suits in the winter and scrubbing the tub with baking soda :)
~Remove the stinger with tweezers if you can see it, try not to pinch the stinger (that can inject more venom)
~Control swelling, ice the area. One ice cube is perfect.
~Apply a mixture of baking soda and water.
~Keep the area clean it can take about 3 days to heal. You can use Arnica gel for swelling.
~ If the child/person has a reaction (swelling, trouble breathing) call 911
After that I had made extra paste from the baking soda and water so I gave the three youngest kids each a cutting board, a dollop of paste and they had at it. Then I poured a little vinegar on each "palate", like a square volcano board! They loved it. As M declared at the end while we were scrubbing everything clean with the leftover drops from the experiment we turned pain into gain!
More great ideas, for fun with baking soda the ice cubes are great in Ikea's shaped ice cube trays.
A good list for cleaning with baking soda, many of these are standbys for us! Little ones love putting on swim suits in the winter and scrubbing the tub with baking soda :)
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